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AC Repair Professional-Smart Ways to Cool Off

June 8, 2018

the temperatures outside rise, most people rely on their air
conditioning to keep them cool. What happens when the air conditioner
breaks down?

matter how quickly your AC repair person arrives at your house,
properly diagnosing and fixing the problem takes time. Learn what to
do to keep your home comfortable when the air conditioner isn’t
working so that you can stay cool and comfortable at the hottest
times of the year.

Blackout Curtains

curtains aren’t just good for keeping out light; they’re also helpful
for keeping out heat. Insulate your home against outside temperatures
by hanging blackout curtains in the windows where sunlight is known
to enter the house.

best results, choose blackout curtains that are a light or
medium-toned color, and place the white backing toward the window.
Keep the curtains shut throughout the day, especially while the sun
is shining on that particular part of the house. Overlap the edges of
the curtain panels. If possible, hang a valance over the curtains to
prevent light from entering in through the space over the window.

the Windows at Night

might be hot during the day, but nighttime in Utah can be quite
chilly throughout the summer. As soon as the sun goes down and the
air begins to cool, open the windows and allow the cool air to flow
inside. Run ceiling fans and window fans if you can. Keep the windows
open all night long to lower the temperature in your house as much as

following morning, when the temperature outside starts to warm up,
shut your windows to keep the cool air indoors.

Cool Showers

cool shower is an excellent way to remove sweat, refresh the body,
and stay cool. To stay fresh, take cool showers multiple times per
day. The best times to take cool showers include after working in the
yard, before going to bed, and upon waking up in the morning.

a related note, some people will watch television at night with a
bowl of cool water by their feet. Dipping your feet in cool water can
help keep your legs and the lower half of your body a cooler


inside can heat up the kitchen and the rest of the house. Even
putting on a pot of coffee or tea can unnecessarily heat up the home.
Avoid problems by doing all of your cooking outside. Use an
outdoor-grade propane stove (like the kind used for camping) or your
charcoal grill.

can also take this time to eat a lot of cool foods like
sandwiches, chips, and pasta salad. Foods that don’t need to be
cooked are often easier to make and take less preparation, which is a
blessing when the inside temperatures are hot.

Opening Doors

time you open the door to your home, you let more warm air inside.
Avoid opening doors to prevent problems. If you must go outside, try
leaving your home through the garage, where a little more warm air
won’t make as much difference. If you must open the doors to
your home, shut the door as soon as possible.

the Use of Hot Things

addition to the oven, there are many common items that people use
around the house that produce heat. Items like blow dryers,
dishwashers, curling irons, and laundry dryers all produce heat which
can contribute to discomfort in the house.

keep indoor air cool, limit the use of all appliances that generate
heat. Dry your clothes outside on the clothesline. Let your hair dry
naturally. Do the dishes by hand. Doing all of these things can help
keep the home cool while you’re waiting for the air conditioner
repair person to arrive.

forget that light bulbs can also produce heat, especially
incandescent bulbs. Limit your use of light bulbs in the house, and
when you must turn on the lights, use LED bulbs.


helps you cool off, but it’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re
sweating a lot. Drink liquids, especially water, continuously
throughout the day and into the night in order to stay hydrated.

too much coffee, tea, or soda can cause you to become dehydrated, so
limit your use of these beverages.

Your Air Conditioner Repair Person

your air conditioner breaks down, contact a reputable, trusted air
conditioner repair person as soon as possible. The sooner you
contact an air conditioner repair professional, the sooner they will
be able to fix your air conditioning unit and the sooner you will be
able to enjoy cool air in your home once again.

Comfort Solutions, we’re happy to answer any questions you might have
about staying cool without your air conditioner. Contact
us today

learn more.