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When Should You Upgrade Your HVAC Unit?

April 21, 2020

Your HVAC unit will not serve you forever. As you continue to use it, the device will begin to experience wear and tear. Often, the small parts are the ones you will replace first. The efficiency of your HVAC system then often begins to reduce. Repairs can help bring things back to normal for a while. But that will only last you for a short period.

That means you will need to replace the unit after some time. The lifespan of most devices

is about 10 to 15 years. Proper maintenance can make it last for longer. However, which signs show that you need to upgrade your HVAC system?

An Increase in the Cooling Load

When experts design units for residential houses, they consider the cooling load. That refers to the level of thermal energy that the air conditioner needs to remove from your home. Contractors can calculate the exact cooling load that you need in your house. But, not every contractor does this when installing a cooling system.

Most of them tend to look at the general relationship between the cooling needs and the space inside the property. That rule works for most homes. But, if you keep trying to improve the energy efficiency in your house, that rule may not be ideal. A larger machine than your house needs will be inefficient. In such times, get an upgrade to a unit that is an ideal size. That way, you can reduce the cooling load in your house.

A Need for Zoning Modifications

Older HVAC units comprise of one machine that works to cool the whole house. With the latest cooling units, however, you can partition your homes into zones. Zoning techniques are common in commercial buildings but can also prove useful in your house. You can choose to divide your house into various sections or zones. That way, you can target the cooling needs to these individual sections.

An expert HVAC contractor can help you modify your old unit to work for these zones. However, the best option is to upgrade and get a newer machine. These devices already work as a zoning system. You will get a different thermostat for each zone. That way, you can cool only those areas that you need. That can save you on energy costs.

An Increase in Repair Costs

The truth is that it usually costs more to repair older HVAC machines. As time passes, you may need to replace some major parts in the device such as the compressor. That means you need to get parts that match your unit. Getting parts for an old cooling device can be challenging as manufacturers no longer make those parts.

For this reason, these replacement components are expensive. In some cases, you may need to get an aftermarket product to use in your device. If repairs of your cooling unit are costly, you should likely upgrade to a newer unit. That way, you can take away the need for more high-priced repairs.

A Soaring Increase in Energy Costs

A vital sign that you should replace your cooling unit is when your utility bills keep going up. The culprit, in most cases, is usually the HVAC system. If you currently deal with such a situation, get an expert to inspect the cooling system.

If your unit has received regular maintenance, it will run efficiently for a long time. But a time comes when replacement is the only option. You can cut down your costs by up to 20% by upgrading your cooling system.

If you need an HVAC upgrade, call us
. We will help you find the ideal system to use in your house.